
Kazakh Swallow Bird

0.2 ETHavailable: 1 of 1

This is an image of a modern Digital Nomad. It was inspired by the symbolism of a swallow bird in Kazakh culture. Swallow birds were considered to be a symbol of love and fidelity because they could not continue living without their life partners, once one of them died. Another source of inspiration was Kazakh historical references to clothes. The list of all the inspiration references can be seen below: 1. Swallow Bird Inspired: -Swallow birds's tail from behind -Braids, symbolizing duality and swallow bird's tail -Cut-outs on the sides of the dress, like the wings of a swallow bird 2. Traditional references: -Traditional sleeves -Silhouette of a traditional zeletke (kazakh traditional vest) -Inverted silhouette of the traditional headdress on the front of the skirt -Combining national ornaments and hearts on the sides of the hips Black dense material was chosen to represent the color of the swallow bird. A purple translucent fabric was chosen, since this color symbolizes of the unity of opposites. This can be interpreted as the acceptance by a modern nomad, of the contrast of cultures of different people and the unity of all people, regardless of the race, culture or gender. After all, a modern nomad moves around the world, meets new people, representatives of different stories that make up contrasts. Thus, contrast is what divides us, and at the same time it is what unites us. This is the way of the modern nomad, who constantly studies, recognizes, and respects the culture and ways of life of other people, be it in the real world or in the Metaverses!

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